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Sunday, 28 February 2016

Te Reo

Here are some of the sentences and words we have been learning in Te Reo Maori.

You could practise these at home and teach your families something new.

WALHT ask  and answer questions about who is in our family.

Ko wai tō ingoa?

Ko -------------- taku ingoa.

My name is -------------.
Ko -------.

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Ko wai tō hoa?            
Who is your friend?
Ko wai tō mama?
Who is your mother?
Ko wai tō papa?
Who is your father?
Ko wai tō koroua?
Who is your grandfather?
Ko wai tō kuia?
Who is your grandmother?

Other whanau words to think about :

  •  matua keke - uncle
  •  whaea keke - aunt
  •  kaihana - cousin

Watch the reomation about Taku Whanau (My Family) to learn more words for people in our family.  Click on the link below:

                                            Taku Whanau

Can you write a sentence in Te Reo Maori that tells about who someone is in your whanau?   Write this on your comment.  
Try to spell the Te Reo correctly.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Our Y chart 2

On Friday  afternoon something important happened in our class. We had to sign our names to our class Pegasus Flyer  Y chart

Our Y chart tells everyone what children in our room:

  1. Look like
  2. Sound like
  3. Feel and make others feel like

If they are true Pegasus Flyer Learners 

As we have been finding out more about the Treaty of Waitangi this made us understand why we all had to agree to what we  were signing.

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If you would like to find out more about the treaty click on the link below:

WHAT do you think is the most important  thing on our Y Chart and WHY do you think this?
 (You might like to show our Y chart to your family when they visit Room 5 next).
 Add a comment 

Saturday, 13 February 2016

AKO is Happening!

Tena Koutou Ruma Rima

Congratulations to everyone who read our last post.  Thank you to anyone who added a comment about understanding AKO.   Thank you also to  the parents who added  comments.

 The challenge now is to SHOW our understanding.

I am pleased to say that this is already happening in our room.  Here are some pictures of AKO to prove this.

Holly and Biba are reading the Daily Timetable
before school so that they know what is happening on that day.

Partners share ideas

Learning buddies listen attentively to each other.

Learning Buddies speak clearly, and keep focussed on the task
that is helping the learning.

Kip is really listening attentively to Oscar here.

Learners in Room 5 choose a place around the room
where they can best learn.

We make sure that everyone has a learning buddy so no-one feels left out!

We give each other feedback and feed forward.

Learners in Room 5 learn by reading.

We find a place where we can concentrate and go off
into 'BOOK WORLD'.
 Talk to your families about how you could get ready for your day of learning. What sort of things could you do:
a)  at home?
b)  at school before the 8.50 bell?

Add a comment about this.  But before you do this read every else's ideas so you don't put the same as them.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Welcome Room 5 2016

Kia ora koutou Ruma Rima, 2016

I really enjoyed meeting up with you all for our goal setting day.  I can tell already, that you are all enthusiastic learners!!  I am really looking forward to helping you learn more this year and also to help you become good at managing yourselves! You need this to be ROLE MODELS for the new Puriri students!

I loved hearing about the goals you have set yourselves to get better at: READING, WRITING and MATHS. We will have to come up with plans and ideas about how to achieve these goals.  Maybe you could talk to your parents about these too.

We are all Pegasus Flyers!

I am so impressed that some of you remembered about:


Could you also think about how this will work in our room.
How could you SHOW  your understanding?

Write a comment on our blog 

if you have thought of an idea for this!

Click on the link below to get to know about the dreams and hopes we have for this year