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Sunday 20 August 2017

Character Descriptions

Describing Characters

Read how J. K Rowling uses words to paint pictures in people's heads of her characters.  Which sentence is your favourite?  Write it on your comment.  Maybe you could use some of her words in your writing!

Description of Albus Dumbledore

Nothing like this man had ever been seen in Privet Drive. He was tall, thin
and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both
long enough to tuck into his belt. He was wearing long robes, a purple cloak
which swept the ground and high heeled, buckled boots. His blue eyes were
light, bright and sparkling behind half-moon spectacles and his nose was very
long and crooked, as though it had been broken at least twice. This man’s
name was Albus Dumbledore.

Description of Hagrid

If the motorbike was huge, it was nothing compared to the man sitting
astride it. He was almost twice as tall as a normal man and at least five
times as wide. He looked simply too big to be allowed, and so wild – long
tangles of bushy black hair and beard hid most of his face, he has hands the
size of dustbin lids and his feet in their leather boots were like baby
dolphins. In his vast, muscular arms he was holding a bundle of blankets.
giant of a man was standing in the doorway. His face was almost
completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild, tangled beard,
but you could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all the hair.

Description of Harry Potter
Perhaps it has something to do with living in a dark cupboard, but Harry has 
always been small and skinny for his age. He looks even smaller and skinnier
than he really is because he has to wear old clothes of Dudley’s and Dudley
is about four times bigger than he is. Harry has a thin face, knobbly
knees, black hair and bright-green eyes. He wears round glasses held
together with a lot of sellotape because of all the times Dudley had punched
him on the nose. The only thing Harry likes about his own appearance is a
very thin scar on his forehead which is shaped like a bolt of lightning.

Sunday 13 August 2017

Kiwiana Footrot Flats

Our music for the show - Slice of Heaven - comes from the movie  'A Dog's Tail/ Tale .
It was based on the cartoon 'Footrot Flats' .  These were drawn by Murray Ball, a NZ cartoonist and they have become Kiwiana.  
Why do you think this is? Comment on this and have a go at drawing a cartoon about Dog,

Sunday 6 August 2017

The Science Expo.

Want to know more about our science expo?

Read these wonderful descriptions of the afternoon.  Give these people some feed back.  They'd love to hear from you.

The Science Expo

Woosh! The doors flung open with swarms of people rushing into room 5 it was the 2017 science Expo. Room 5 have been working on their marble tracks, my team was Conor, Josh and Jacob and finely me but Jacob and Josh went here so it was only me and Conor. We had a centripetal force station and the air pressure station and many more stations. Att the centripetal forces station there were three yoyos and a marble trick. It was really, really hard. What you needed for the trick was a wine glass and a marble. Put the marble in the wine glass and start to spin it until the marble is spinning fast. Then turn it upside down, now that is hard.

There were marble tracks in the library corner, in the maths corner, in the middle of the room, in the art corner and also our one. Then I went into room 6 to see what they did, they had a boogey board with balloons underneath it. You had to balance , and balance was one of the things that they had been learning. They also had a bike turned upside down. I saw people moving the pedals so maybe that is what you had to do, so I did that. Then I went over to kalee and Olivia to see what they had, it was a magnet one the magnet were stacked on top of each other in the middle of the air.

The cool thing about these was they did not fall because they was another magnet holding them up, but it was not touching the other ones, so that was cool. Then I went back to room 5 Conner said “lots of people have come to see ours.”
“That is good,” I said back to him grinning.

By Harper Glucina

The day I've been waiting for

“Finally.’’ I sighed. The science expo was about to begin.

The adults started walking in, quickly glancing at the marble tracks. Lots and lots of parents came in, but none were mine. I felt a bit annoyed and sad my mum didn’t come, but I just went and started having fun.

Sulaisea, Amaya and I all rushed to our marble track. We grabbed marbles and started running them down the track.
“It didn’t work!” We cried. We all felt so disappointed.

Then I decided to make a card tower. I tried doing it a different way. “ It worked!” I exclaimed. I felt so happy.
But when I hopped up to show Sarah, it fell over.

It was one of the most exciting science fair i'd ever had.

By Olivia


The day has come it’s the science day and all the parents come to watch. Well not all the parents but most of the parents.

It’s 12”o’clock all the parents start walking in. all the other  mums were first to walk in but mum was last.

“Here she comes yay finally she’s here I said”. Then i started to show her my marble track. I ran the marble down the track ‘BOOM’ it crashed and that was the end in like a second.  It worked just as well as i imagined and as we started.  “I wish i could do it again i said to myself it was so FUN!”  

Then we all left and went home I wished it was just the start of the day so I could do it again!

By Georgia T

When it was the  science fair a lot of people wanted to try see Paydens and my experiment. It was so crowded.  I was wondering if my mum would come? Then i saw my mum.  I heard my brother walking Boom!boom!boom! Then two year threes asked if they want to have a tern so i said yes then they put in the marble.  heard the marble move as it went in. The fastest part of my marble track was when it went down rasin in the chube. When the marble went in yogert container it crashed into the container. Bang!# Bash!

by Grace

The Science Expo

My heart was pounding. I saw the expectant faces of kids glaring up at me. I heard the excited babble of voices blaring at me like speakers. I felt the cold metallic feeling as Mr Rama handed me the microphone. I took a deep breath. It echoed like I was in a cave. I saw Mrs Cowsill’s cheerful face looking up at me. I gathered all my nerves and I started… My voice sounded unnaturally high. Everyones faces stared up at me but I carried on. I looked up nervously suddenly I looked into a familiar face and it all changed…
As I walked into the classroom a stampede of people washed over me. I tried to wade over to my marble track but to me it felt like my legs were stuck together. I placed the marble on on the starting line. Smoothly the marble rolled down the marble track and pulled up casually at the finish line. I cheered happily ‘It works!’ By Harriet


“Don’t forget to show your parents your topic and clearfile!!” Yelped Miss Cowsill, in a nervous voice. I didn’t need to worry because, I was so organized for this years 2017 science expo. Suddenly, I turned around and saw my mum. “Hay mum come and see my fantastic marble track. My team has had to fix up quite a lot of things and add stuff on too. “Before our marble track was only 2 seconds, but sow it’s 6 and a half minutes.” “When we realized it was only 2 seconds we straight away new that we needed to change it.” But then I realized that I had a little plastic bag full of, tubes, glue iceblock sticks and sellotape. I told my team to wait a second. Later I came zooming back with all that stuff. Then we made a tunnel and an ending the tunnel didn’t have that much Gravity, but it still worked. That’s what made it six seconds. Then I took mummy to the then I took mummy to the tower of. . . .  cards. As I just put the tippy top of the tower . . . crash it all collapsed. And then the same happened to mummy. I think that was the best science expo I have ever had.

By Maia

Science Parade
“Where is she?” I mumbled to myself with the croak of my voice. Suddenly the door opened and the light shone through , while the sun glimmered across the crowded gloomy room. (Well that’s in my opinion.) A brightly coloured face came in. I shot up,like a sprout. It was her it was really her. I scurried towards her “ Aunty” I said with relief. Snatching her by the arm I lead her to the the track ( “ Well I tried to.”)  Eventually we got there the marble rushed down  the marble track it was like lightning skitting across the dark and windy night.  Eventually the defying gravity trick. My aunty starts to whirl the marble it goes round and round like a tornado.     

by Scarlett                                                                                
When the parents came

It was that day the 4th of the 7th 2017. The room was filled with loud chattering voices. Parents started to come in. Carefully, I placed the marble on to the track. Just to make sure I did it 3 times. My mum wasn’t coming so I felt a bit sad. I wandered around the class room. I saw other people's marble tracks and they were cool. When I saw a few more parents come in, I wondered if my mum had made her way here even though I heard her say that she couldn't come. I was coming to my last station where the three yo-yo’s were. I knew that every station was full of parents. I felt so nervous I could not wait for the for the science afternoon to finish.

By Yeji