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Monday, 4 December 2017

Environmental Art

Wow everyone!  Andy Goldsworthy would be very proud of you and the sculptures you made.
Especially as it was so hot today!

Weaving with sticks!

finding a space to add to!

Colour and clever joins add to this branch!

Collecting materials from around the spot.

Think BIG!

Balancing on a branch.

Tying found materials around the trunk.

Balancing sticks in a great space.

Choosing a great spot and using colour!

Look at the sunlight shining through this one.

Following the shape of the tree stump and adding to this.

Weaving shapes and joining on leaves.

Clever joining and tying!

Using sticks to build around this trunk.

First version! This collapsed!

Don't give up. Rebuild and problem solve.  Well done!

Don't give up ! Problem solve!  Wow!