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Friday, 25 September 2015

Reuben Paterson styled hoe and tipare written by Riley and Roman

For our art this term we have been making and painting glittery hoe and tipare based from a famous artist that uses glitter on his paintings!

This is Roman's wonderful hoe with glitter on it.

  1.  We started off by cutting two hoe shapes out of card. 
  2.  We got our glad wrap rolls and lay it down around the bottom of the one of piece of card.
  3.  We got sheets of newspaper and rolled them into balls and placed them on top of the piece of card with the glad wrap roll.
  4. We got a long strip of card and stuck it on with sticky tape. 
  5. We placed the other piece of card on top of the strip card and taped it on as well.
  6. We cut the end of the strip of card off the base of the hoe.
  7. We placed another piece of card on the other side of the base of the hoe.
  8. We then taped it on to the hoe.
  9. We taped the glad wrap roll on to the hoe.
  10. We then got out some wallpaper paste and mixed it with some water. 
  11. We ripped up strips of newspaper to stick onto the hoe. 
  12. We got the wallpaper paste and strips of newspaper and started to dip the newspaper into the paste and then carefully placed the gooey newspaper on the hoe.
  13. We completely covered the hoe with newspaper.
  14. We let the hoe dry.
  15. We repeated the process.
  16. We let the hoe dry.
  17. We repeated the process but this time with paper towels.
  18. We let the hoe dry.
  19. We painted the hoe with white paint.
  20. We let the paint dry.
  21. We got out our designs to sketch our designs onto the hoe with glue tack underneath.
  22. We used black vivid to go over the pencil lines.
  23. We used metallic paint to colour in the vivid lines.

24. We let it dry.
25. We  put PVA on and sprinkled it with matching glitter.

Finally we had finished and we used them on stage in the school show.  'Te Whakatere' 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Ruma 5 descriptive writing and characters

Stories About Reading Characters
Post by Patrick and Rocco and Tom 

We are learning to describe a character in different ways. We made our descriptions more interesting by using lots of adjectives, adverbs, similes and good verbs. After writing these we used our characters and put them into stories. Some wrote fairy tales and others wrote legends.

If you get a chance bring your parents in and show them your book.

Meet Rocco's evil dragon called Michael.

Here is Patrick's story about a lazy dragon.

  Come in and read Bea's book and find out who Kiwa's new mate is.

In Troy's book you can read about the Crocodile's Christmas slippers.

Sienna's story about Kiwa, the whale, tells you how he found his mate.

In Jade's book you can read a legend about how Rakiura (Stewart Island) came to be.