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Thursday 10 September 2015

Ruma 5 descriptive writing and characters

Stories About Reading Characters
Post by Patrick and Rocco and Tom 

We are learning to describe a character in different ways. We made our descriptions more interesting by using lots of adjectives, adverbs, similes and good verbs. After writing these we used our characters and put them into stories. Some wrote fairy tales and others wrote legends.

If you get a chance bring your parents in and show them your book.

Meet Rocco's evil dragon called Michael.

Here is Patrick's story about a lazy dragon.

  Come in and read Bea's book and find out who Kiwa's new mate is.

In Troy's book you can read about the Crocodile's Christmas slippers.

Sienna's story about Kiwa, the whale, tells you how he found his mate.

In Jade's book you can read a legend about how Rakiura (Stewart Island) came to be.


  1. Thank you boys for putting this post on to our blog. There have been some fun stories being written. I'm glad you chose Annabel to interview because her story is a great one to read.

  2. I like Troy's story it's really good and I also like Bea's story.

  3. I like all the books!


  4. Hey guys, love the interview. It is so interesting!
    Well done to Troy, your book is so cool.
    And well done to all the other people's books they are so awesome.
