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Saturday 18 February 2017

Tititorea Maori Sticks

 Kia ora Ruma Rima,

Here are the words of E Papa Waiari that we have been learning in our class.  Maybe you  could teach your family

                                 E papa Waiari lyrics

Learning the actions

Some of you have been making your own practice tititorea and practising at lunch time.  I am so impressed at how you have found the music on youtube and are trying to learn this all on your own.

Here is a link to some easy actions:

                       E papa Waiari Easy Actions

We will have a go next week in class.

Here is a link to some very advanced children to inspire and challenge you .


  1. I loved the advanced actions. I would like our class to learn it. Paddy

  2. They look like pros and they must been practicing for ages. Kazuki

  3. I love the actions and they look like they have been practicing for ages

  4. I really enjoyed the actions. Lucas

  5. I practice almost every night scarlett

  6. I love e papa so much.sarah

  7. I like tititorea because I like throwing the sticks and one lunch time I me Harriet and Nina made one up. Olivia
