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Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Rm 5's planting ceremony

                                          By Damar Endarto
On the 17 of June Rm 5 went down to the field and planted some plants.

Here are some pictures:

This is Ms Cowsill doing a mihi ( speech ) to the gods while room 5 were listening. We also did a Karakia.

This is Mr Koko digging holes for our trees.

Here are some plants:


 Mahoe (whiteywood)


Te Kouka (cabbage tree)

After the planting we watered the plants. 

Then we made a sign for the plant and did the vote.
So the winner was Evie's sign.

Please comment about what you felt when we sang the Karakia or what you felt when we planted the plant.

Monday, 20 June 2016


Thank you Room 5 for opening our morning with your karakia. He mihi nui! 

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Our Book Week

by Evie F and Ava

Last week we had Book Week.  We started with the book character parade.

Here is Miss Harford as the Queen of hearts.

Here is some of the year 0's and some of us dressed in our costumes.

Here is our class.

Here is Biba's description of the parade.

Glittering with laughter and joyful music we clapped and clapped along with the beat. There was one costume that struck my eye. The gown was white with glitter sparkling just like a star shining in the night sky.   It had a blue shimmering bow that had little details of a princess on it and the person wore one little necklace around her neck.  There was a headband which shone with blue sparkles all over and she wore blue  high heels which also sparkled all over.  She was Cinderella.  Oh how she looked like she had just got out of the Cinderella book.   

Later in the week we met our new little buddies in room 15. We heard them read and then helped them to write about
Grandparents' Day.
Hamish and Ojas are really helping their buddy.

 This is the whole class with their buddies.

 Ava and Sybilla are getting their buddy to reread her writing..

Rhys and Jamie are watching their buddy carefully and Oscar is helping his buddy to spell the words.

We all had a lot of fun everyday and we read lots of books in this week.

Please tell us about your favourite moment in Book Week!

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Our visit to Ley's library

Our Visit to Ley's Library

written by Hamish Barker and Oscar Hoare

On Tuesday the 6th of June Rm 5 went to Ley's library to learn about Matariki.

Not only did we learn about Maori and Matariki in Aotearoa, we also learnt about Fiji and Tonga.

Here is us learning about New Zealand and Fiji and Tonga and the rest of the Pacific Ocean.
On the wall we also learned about Masi made from the Mulberry tree and how they used it to describe their tribe,family and themselves.

Masi is special paper that come from the bark of the Mulberry tree. It is soaked in salt sea water then  hammered together with special hammers made of strong wood.

This us travelling between Tonga and Aotearoa  on our vaka  or waka with special paddles from the museum.

Here is us decorating with stencils and rubbing.
Please add something you learnt on this day when you comment.