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Thursday, 9 June 2016

Our visit to Ley's library

Our Visit to Ley's Library

written by Hamish Barker and Oscar Hoare

On Tuesday the 6th of June Rm 5 went to Ley's library to learn about Matariki.

Not only did we learn about Maori and Matariki in Aotearoa, we also learnt about Fiji and Tonga.

Here is us learning about New Zealand and Fiji and Tonga and the rest of the Pacific Ocean.
On the wall we also learned about Masi made from the Mulberry tree and how they used it to describe their tribe,family and themselves.

Masi is special paper that come from the bark of the Mulberry tree. It is soaked in salt sea water then  hammered together with special hammers made of strong wood.

This us travelling between Tonga and Aotearoa  on our vaka  or waka with special paddles from the museum.

Here is us decorating with stencils and rubbing.
Please add something you learnt on this day when you comment.


  1. I learnt is that you can navigate your way through the pacific ocean with the Matariki stars.

    Damar Enderto

  2. I wish that I was there it looks so fun like when you had those paddles betending to be in one big wāka all to gether.
    Jackson D

  3. Back then in Aotearoa, Tonga and Samoa it looked very serious. With the paddles and the funny instruments it looked fun.
    Eila B

  4. was it fun rm5

  5. We learnt that they striped the wood with their teeth to make the paper.

