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Sunday, 31 July 2016

Matariki - Te Uru Gallery visit

Te Uru

As part of our Matariki Inquiry  all of Puriri visited Te Uru, an art gallery in Titirangi, to learn and make our version of a Maori taonga called  Hei Matau.

Here are some photos of Monday's visit.

When we went to Te Uru art gallery,we went into a room which had tons and tons of photograph on the walls. My favourite part of the pictures was the horse.

We had to draw a dark forest out of pipes which was made by an artist.

Everyone looked hard at the sculpture then concentrated as they drew different sorts of lines .  We tried to show dark and light tones with our pencils.

This is the lady at Te Uru Gallery showing us how to make fish hooks for Matariki. We used clay to make the fish hooks, and we carved and made our own patterns.  

Here are some hooks from the past. One special hook could even fish up the land.
We made some fish hooks, and made them from clay. We found it very
hard at some points, but in the end we found it really fun!!  

                                         This is us listening to the teacher for the next step of making our hei matau.

After the visit, the people who hadn't painted their hei matau, got to paint them at school. Everybody  got to PVA glue their hei matau on black cardboard.
                                         This is how the hei matau look once they were completed.
We would love to hear your thoughts about the day. Please add your comment to this post.


  1. My favorite thing about the trip was that we got to sketch these black tubes and make hei matau. KS

  2. My favourite part about the trip to Te Uru was painting my hei matou and making the paturns on my hei matou.
