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Sunday, 3 July 2016

Te Mata Peak by Berenger

On Saturday when I was in Hawkes bay, me (Berenger) and my friend Angus and our mothers went to Te Mata Peak.

Here is part of the legend: 
Many centuries ago when New Zealand only was inhabited by the Māori people, there was a pa with a Pakipaki chief, and he and his people were under threat of war from the coastal tribes of Waimarama.

Hinerakau, the daughter of the Pakipaki chief, would get to the leader of the Waimarama tribes, a giant called Te Mata, to fall in love with her turning his thoughts from war to peace, but she too fell in love.

The people of Heretaunga, however, hadn't forgotten about the past and their revenge, demanded that Hinerakau should make Te Mata prove his worthiness by being set seemingly impossible tasks. The last task was to bite his way through the mountain between the coast and the plains so the people could come and go with greater ease.

He died trying to prove his love and today you can still see his half accomplished work.

I think that you should go to Hawkes bay to see Te Mata.
By Berenger Iverson

P.S. Don't fall down!


  1. Thanks Berenger for this wonderful post. I wonder if other children in our class can find our legends and stories about the places they visit and share these with us. We really get to know the history through these special stories. Miss Cowsill
    P.S I added in your photos for you.

  2. Berenger Iverson4 July 2016 at 09:06

    In fact, we got up the mountain by car, and it was quite creepy.
    Up there is actually a LOT of natural environment.

  3. Hey Berenger that place looks like a great place to visit. KS

  4. WOW! that was a very good ledgened!
