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Tuesday 13 September 2016

Life ed session 2

The Digestive System - session 2

We were introduced to Bob!

Joban knew where the intestines are. Ojas suggested the liver. Berenger said the stomach.

Alfie thought the digestive system started at the mouth.

Teeth, saliver and tongue were important key words for this part.

When we spew we spit out stomach acids

These are NOT sausages!  These are the intestines. They suck up all the vitamins and minerals to put into the blood.

The large intestine. This squishes all the waste from the food together.

This is the gall bladder. It produces bile.

This is the pancreas which manages our glucose.

Hana asked how our legs work so we looked quickly at our nervous system.

Finally we got to see Harold and tell him what we had learnt.
Sybilla was chosen to talk first and give Harold a hug.

Here is Jack hugging Harold before sharing what he had learnt.

Harold got us to dance and sing about being healthy. Now can you add a comment about other things  you learnt about the Digestive system.


  1. Life ED taught us a lot. I learnt that gall bladder produces bile and I learnt that the digestive system starts at the mouth. I thought the digestive system started at the windpipe or pipe.

  2. Wow..it is really very good information. Love the way all of you contributed. Well done!!!

  3. What an interesting session this looked to be and so great to see the kids asking lots of questions. I have seen how Karisa has been more interested around how many different types of foods she can think of for each of the food types and asking questions in relation to the body and how it functions. Thank you for sharing this as it's so nice to see what goes on at school when the kids are normally too tired to talk about what their full day entailed each day. Thanks! (Karisas Mom)

  4. How amazing to learn about the inside of the body in such a fun way! Sebastian told me all about dancing wiht Harold and learning about the large and small intestines, the brain and the pancreas. Hilary (Seb and mum)

  5. I learnt that the digestive system starts from the mouth and I also learns tha our brain controls us.
    Damar E
