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Friday 5 May 2017

Non - fiction reading

Non-Fiction Reading 

This term we are trying to get even better at understanding what we read.  

We are focusing on:

  •  Activating our prior knowledge (Thinking about what we already know about a topic before and  while we read )
  • Making Connections  (between what we know and what the text says)

We need to use this when reading fiction texts(stories)

but also non-fiction texts (information)

One of the ways you can practise non-fiction is to read  a news article each week for homework.

Here  is a link to the  KIWI KIDS NEWS website. 

                           Kiwi kids news

 You may need to read this with your mum or dad so they can help you understand new words.

Please can you make a comment about an article you have read to tell the class.

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