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Sunday, 10 May 2015

Term 2 week 3

Tena koutou Ruma Rima.Kei te pehea koutou?

Inquiry Presentations

I wanted to congratulate you on your inquiry presentations on Friday.  What a lot of learning went on with this.  

  1. You all had important information to share about what you had found out about World War 1.  
  2. You all had tried hard with your e-learning to present this in different ways. (Make sure to show your families if they are saved in your Google drive!)
  3. You all had a go at standing up in front of the class to talk to us about this! 
Our next step is to write some questions and answers for assembly this week so we can share what we've learnt in an interesting way to the rest of the school.

Speeches and Homework:

Each week we are reminding you what you should be doing at home to get ready for our class speech competition in week 8.

Last week's homework said to write in your topic !  Some of you did not do this.  
You need to see me or add a comment to this blog  so I can see what you are researching and writing about.

Garden to Table Update:

I loved hearing all about your learning with Simon last Thursday.  Here are the photos.  Wow! That was a big kumara you dug up!  Please add a comment if you would like to share what you learnt on our blog! 


  1. Good luck room six I hope you have as much fun as I did at garden to table.SR

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. l cant beleve how much cumara we found.S.R

  3. WOW that's a big kumara . Dear mrs cowsill I did my homework on google docs Anna p

  4. Ae- tautoko! Yes I agree your ANZAC presentations were wonderful room 5 Thank you! - Mrs NT
